Learn & Play

Steam Fair

Educational Fun

Steam Fair

The Alpine Education Foundation is pleased to host the annual STEAM Fair at Joan MacQueen Middle School.

Students are encouraged to participate by either submitting an age appropriate Science Project for the fair or hosting a Vendor Booth to share or sell their business, creations, or inventions.

Please fill out the forms below to submit an application for participation. We will then reach out to you via email with next steps.
For further support, we will be hosting in-person parent meetings at Joan MacQueen Middle School.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at alpineaef@gmail.com or calling Jessica Manning Ross at 951-966-9377


Congratulations to our STEAM Fair Finalists!

A big shoutout and congratulations to our amazing “STEAM Fair Finalists”! You all have done an incredible job, and your hard work really shows. It’s been awesome to see your creativity and passion shine through in your projects. Each of you brought something unique to the table, and we’re so proud of what you’ve accomplished.

Steam Fair Gallery

Science Project Information

Science Project Requirements

Required Project Components

  1.  Develop a Question/Problem
  2. Develop a Journal
  3. Research on the Topic
  4. Develop a Hypothesis
  5. Design an Experiment/Gather Necessary Materials/Supplies and Procedures
  6. Conduct the Experiment
  7. Document Data Collected
  8. Make a Conclusion
  9. Create a Display Board
  10. Prepare an Oral Presentation
Science Project Descriptions

Step 1

Develop a Question/


  • Explore several questions/problems within a topic. 

    • Ex: Which heats up water faster–a stove or a microwave?

  • Keep in mind the time commitment, equipment, materials and parent support needed .

  • Most important–learn something from the experience.

Step 2

Develop a Journal

  • The journal should be legible, have structure/organization and correct spelling and grammar.

  • Journals can be a book or a binder/folder.

Step 3

Conduct Research on the Topic

  • Write an opening paragraph in a journal on the selected question/problem and why that topic was selected and what you want to answer/solve.

  • In a second paragraph, define 4-5 key terms/words that will apply to your topic.

  • In the next two paragraphs, list the selected research on the topic–why, how, when, where and why. 

    • Ex: Book Title, Author and the specific information needed for your experiment. If you copy from these sources, be sure to put quotations around the direct text. Include diagrams/pictures if appropriate. 

  • The public library, science articles/textbooks and websites are good sources for conducting research.

  • The final and fifth paragraph should include what you have learned from the research.

Step 4

Develop a Hypothesis

  • Enter in the journal, one to two sentences about what you predict will happen and how it will be tested in your experiment to provide results to your question/problem.

Step 5

Design the Experiment,

Gather the Materials/

Supplies, and Procedures

  • In your journal list all the materials/supplies needed for your experiment and their quantities.

  • List the procedures you will take in a step by step explanation in conducting your experiment. It might be easier to use a numbered list, including the materials/supplies used in each step. Be as specific as possible in each step to include measurements, time, variables, etc.

Step 6

Conduct the Experiment

  • Prepare any tables, charts, graphs, etc. in advance before you conduct the experiment, so you can input the data directly as you conduct the experiment.

  • Take pictures at each step for use on your display board.

  • Allow for time to conduct the experiment at least three times to collect reliable data.

  • Record in the journal your observations, whether they were successful or not. Many hypotheses’ are unsuccessful. It’s part of the scientific process.

Step 7

Document the Data Collected

  • In this section of your journal, have the results from your experiment in the form of graphs, tables and/or charts.

  • Use the appropriate graph:

    • Bar Graph: shares the relationship between data

    • Line Graph: shows changes over time

    • Pie Graphs: shows percentages

  • Gather all the data from the separate tests/experiments/samples/trials and journal your results. 

  • Do not evaluate or give explanation in this step

Step 8

Make a Conclusion

  • Explain what the data means and how it measures the problem/question. It may disprove the problem/question and again, it’s just part of the scientific process.

  • Briefly summarize the data so it validates what you have done. How did it align with your hypothesis?

  • If the data did not support your hypothesis or answer the question/problem, explain what you might have done differently and why? What went wrong?

Step 9

Create a Display Board

  • Display boards should be self standing

  • This is where you can be creative with color, different fonts, pictures, illustrations, etc.

  • Required board components:

    • Problem/Question

    • Research

    • Hypothesis

    • Materials

    • Procedures

    • Data 

    • Conclusion

  • Be sure to include your full name, grade and school on the bottom of your board.

Step 10

Prepare Oral Presentation

  • Prepare a 1-2 minute presentation. It is preferred that you do not use notes, but note cards are acceptable.

  • Sample Presentation:

Good afternoon, my name is _____________. Have you ever wondered why___________? Well, I have and that is why I chose this question/problem: ___________.  It is important to know that answer because _____________.  First, I researched and found ____________. Based on my research, I hypothesized that _________. In conducting my experiment/ trials, etc., I observed __________.  The data I collected from my experiment resulted in  _____________. I concluded that _____________. ( If the experiment was unsuccessful, share what you would have done differently). Thank you.

Science Project Suggested Timeline


Project Component  

Due Date

Research the Topic

Develop a Hypothesis

  • Journal Entries

Four Weeks Prior to Event

Design an Experiment/Gather Materials                                                         

Conduct the Experiment/Collect the Data

Make a Conclusion

  • Journal Entries

Three Weeks Prior to Event

Finalizing the Journal                                                                    

Create a Display Board

Two Weeks Prior to Event

Prepare an Oral Presentation

One Week Prior to Event

Project Presentation 

Day of Event

Years Established


Programs & Camps


Get In Touch

A 501(c)3 California Incorporated Non-Profit Charity

Location: PO Box 1296 Alpine CA 91903

Email: alpineaef@gmail.com